Our niche focus on sub sectors within
the Financial Services industry
We are specialists within a specialist. Due to the magnitude of the Financial Services industry, there are numerous services and products that can be provided by a plethora of different businesses.
With this in mind, we are designed by categorising the different types of businesses and positions that our consultants service. This enables us to network with clients and candidates as effectively as possible, whilst still benefitting from an inter-transferable industry.
Foreign exchange brokers and payments companies who offer currency risk management and innovative global payment solutions.
CEO, COO, CFO and other c-level appointments, directors, non-execs and consultants required to design and achieve short and long term strategic business objectives.
Private Equity, Debt Funds, Venture Capitalists, Pensions, Family Offices, and Hedge Funds, Asset Managers and Investment banks, driven toward investing capital for returns.
Innovative and disruptive companies focused on new product development designed to improve and secure the technological infrastructure within the financial services industry.